Saturday, May 1, 2010

Are YOU ready for the unexpected?

Emergency Preparedness Week May 2-8, 2010

By definition, emergencies happen when we don't expect them, and often when families are not together. Suddenly, you need to think about your kids at school or elderly parents across town. If phones don’t work, or some neighborhoods aren’t accessible, what will you do?

May 2-8th is Emergency Preparedness Week, where activities are organized across Canada to raise awareness of the importance of having an emergency kit; making an emergency plan; and identifying risks in the region.

The Government of Canada's website - -is full of information for you and your loved ones on how to do just that - get prepared.

There are 3 simple steps that can help Canadians prepare for all types of emergencies.

The 3 step process includes knowing what the risks are, making a plan and getting a kit in case of a major event. Click here to find out what goes into a Basic Emergency Kit.

To print off and personalize your Emergency Preparedness Form, Click Here.

Chat Soon Friends!!
Sharon Nunes

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